Best Places to Buy Cryptocurrency in USA in 2022

These days, Cryptocurrencies seem to be the It Thing and it appears like everyone wants cryptocurrencies. To be on board the game and get on the fun one needs a crypto exchange to buy and sell digital currencies for the likes of Dogecoin, Etheruem, and Bitcoin. For those newly on board or for a more informed choice and decision, we have curated the best crypto exchange in USA 2022. All of them however come with red flags and the inevitable fact being-cryptocurrency investments are speculative, and should only be made if you’re willing to endure huge price swings and a sensible risk of incurring a loss of your investment in its entirety.

What are the top Crypto Exchanges?

The surge in the value of bitcoin has skyrocketed in popularity. While it may appear scary at first, and while frauds have occurred and continue to occur, today’s best crypto exchanges and platforms have facilitated buying and selling cryptocurrency safer and more transparent than ever before.

Best Places to Buy Cryptocurrency in USA in 2022

Let us delve into the best places to buy cryptocurrency one by one in no particular order.


If you’re new to cryptocurrency, Coinbase, the belle of the IPO ball in 2021, is the crypto exchange you might be most familiar with. Coinbase’s robust exchange is one of the largest and safest platforms available. Coinbase is distinctive for its user-friendly design, which makes it simple to make one-time or recurring bitcoin purchases. However, you need to pay a price for this convenience.


  • The UI is user-friendly, and the purchasing process is simple.
  • Positive user feedback and high-security scores.
  • When users learn about bitcoin on its instructional Learn platform, they are rewarded with cryptocurrency.


  • High fees for the sake of convenience.
  • To gain access to the lesser pricing structure, you must use a second, more complicated platform.

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